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Title:  Visual diagnosis for DevOps software development

Programme: EUREKA / ITEA3

Project ID:  17038

Project status: Running

Budget: €7.2M


  • Finland: Vincit; Tampere University ; University of Oulu; Softagram; Qentinel; Invenco

  • Netherlands: Océ; Tiobe; University of Groningen

  • Turkey: Bitnet; Enforma; Turkcell; TMOB

  • Spain:  Experis

  • Romania: BEIA; SIS
    Underlined are country coordinators.


Visualisation is a powerful method for communication, especially in cross-disciplinary communication with various stakeholders, as in operations. Many software development tools already provide some visualisations, but integrated views that combine data from several sources are still at research prototype level. The VISDOM project will develop new types of visualisations that utilise and merge data from several data sources in modern DevOps development. The aim is to provide simple “health check” visualisations about the state of the development process, software and use.

Bitnet’s involvement:
Data Harmonization


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